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To allow for faster and easier payments, we are now accepting credit cards or EFT from your Checking Account.
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To celebrate Earth Day 2011, Professor Toilet, American Standard’s online Flushologist, videotaped an interview with Brian Richter, Director of the Global Freshwater Program at the Nature Conservancy, a leading conservation organization. American Standard divided the interview into five clips and posted them for easy access.
In the first two clips, Brian talks about the urgency of water conservation, and the challenges we face as the population increases while ground water levels decrease.
In the next three clips, Brian and the Professor discuss national rates of water usage, and suggest how to save water without sacrificing performance or style.
And when it comes to replacing toilets, faucets and showerheads, they both agree that the most modern, water-saving products are easy to install. So, no excuses!
Learn more here.
Provide your customers with the best of the best this holiday season! Upgrade to WaterSense® -certified fixtures. Last fall, American Standard provided these low-flow, water efficient toilets, faucets, and showerheads to 21 households near Atlanta, Georgia.
Participating households experienced an average reduction of 27 percent in total water use, without any noticeable differences in water pressure or performance. In fact, user satisfaction was higher than 99%; not one family requested to go back to their old water guzzlers.
Studies also show if one in every 10 American homes upgraded their bathroom to WaterSense®-certified fixtures, the U.S. EPA estimates a savings of 74 billion gallons of water and about $1.5 billion nationwide per year. The proof is in the numbers, using these toilets, showerheads and faucets save your customers money. Ensure customer satisfaction, invest with HD Supply today.
Read more about this product here.